While CASEL has five guiding principles for their Social Emotional Learning curriculum, they remain at the surface of identity, and do not leave space for various cultural identities. As a result, they remain within a white framework without any recognition for power and privilege. Thus, these five guiding principles have been transformed slightly in order to value the multitude of intersecting identities.

  1. Self-AwarenessCultural Identity Excavation

    *Recognizes the self as a unique individual with intersecting identities and addresses stereotypes & implicit biases.

  2. Social AwarenessCulture, Power, & Privilege

    *Deep understanding of systemic racism and sociopolitical injustice that expands beyond the narrow scope of “social awareness.”

  3. Self-ManagementEmotion Recognition and Healing

    *Recognition that emotional expression and regulation relates to cultural identity and should not remain in a White dominate framework. In other words, cultures express and regulate their emotions in various ways, and SEL curriculum should expand beyond the scope of what the White narrative believes is emotionally “appropriate.”

  4. Relationship Skills Restorative Communication

    *Ability to see other types of conflict resolution and points of view. Relationship skills vary on the identity of the individual.

  5. Responsible Decision-MakingEquitable Safety

    *Understanding that “responsibility” may be culturally dependent.