The following exercise is an excerpt from Dr. Jamila Lyiscott’s (2019) book Black Appetite. White Food.
Take a moment in a quiet space by yourself, to think of a struggle that you are navigating in your life right now. It may be a struggle that is invisible to the rest of us, but it is palpable for you. It may be a struggle that you feel is insurmountable…it has loomed over your life for years…its teeth have a grip on your past and are gnashing at your future.
After you can think of this struggle very clearly, close you eyes, and visualize yourself on the other side of that struggle. Who is the “you” that has overcome this seemingly endless mountain? What do you look like on the other side? How do you feel in your body? Who is that person? Make it real.
Now after you’ve conjured up this version of yourself in your mind, take a few moments to write a letter to yourself of today from yourself on the other side of your struggle (p. 14).
*This exercise can be used independently or in professional development opportunities within a community space.